1974-03 1978-02 서울대학교 의학과 대졸 1981-03 1983-02 서울대학교 의학과 대학원졸(석사) 1983-03 1989-02 서울대학교 의학과 대학원졸(박사)
1978-03 1979-02 서울대병원 인턴 1979-03 1983-02 서울대병원 레지던트 1986-06 1989-03 서울대학교 의과대학 의학과 전임강사 1989-04 1994-03 서울대학교 의과대학 의학과 조교수 1994-04 1999-03 서울대학교 의과대학 의학과 부교수 1999-04 2019-02 서울대학교 의과대학 의학과 교수 2019-03 현재 국립암센터 초빙의
2021 기타 Pattern of local recurrence after curative resection in pancreatic ductal adenocarcinoma according to the initial location of the tumor: Journal of Hepatobiliary Pancreatic Science. :~ (4.16)
2021 SCI-E First course of treatment and prognosis of exocrine pancreatic cancer in Korea from 2006 to 2017: CANCER RESEARCH AND TREATMENT. Online:Published (4.679)
2021 SCI-E Impact of changes in the topographic classification of Klatskin tumor on incidence of intra-and extrahepatic bile duct cancer: A population-based national cancer registry study: JOURNAL OF HEPATO-BILIARY-PANCREATIC SCIENCES. Online:Published (7.027)
2020 기타 En bloc proximal peri-mesenteric clearance for pancreatic head cancer surgery: Annals of Hepato-Biliary-Pancreatic Surgery. 24(4):389~395 (0)
2020 SCI-E Does adjuvant treatment improve prognosis after curative resection of ampulla of Vater carcinoma? A multicenter retrospective study: JOURNAL OF HEPATO-BILIARY-PANCREATIC SCIENCES. 27(10):721~730 (4.16)
2020 SCI-E Propensity score-matched analysis of internal stent vs external stent for pancreatojejunostomy during pancreaticoduodenectomy: Japanese-Korean cooperative project: PANCREATOLOGY. 20(5):984~991 (3.629)
2020 SCI-E Role of tumour location and surgical extent on prognosis in T2 gallbladder cancer: an international multicentre study: BRITISH JOURNAL OF SURGERY. Online:Published (5.676)
2020 SCI-E Learning curve for pancreatoduodenectomy: can it be generalized?: ANZ JOURNAL OF SURGERY. Online:Published (1.355)
2019 SCI Very early recurrence following pancreaticoduodenectomy in patients with ampullary cancer: MEDICINE. 44:17711~17711 (1.87)
2019 SCI-E Effects of Pancreatic Enzyme Replacement Therapy on Body Weight and Nutritional Assessments After Pancreatoduodenectomy in a Randomized Trial: CLINICAL GASTROENTEROLOGY AND HEPATOLOGY. 19:30990~30995 (7.958)